Konrad Alfaro

  • PHPers Summit 2023

    Feedback If you have 2 minutes, please submit the feedback about my presentation. That would help me a lot. Thanks! 🙏

  • Talk at PHPers Summit 2023

    Talk at PHPers Summit 2023

    Exciting news! On 27th of May 2023, I’ll give a talk on the largest PHP conference in Poland – PHPers Summit 2023. I’m really happy that my talk “Finding lost features – how NOT to build mazes and complexity” has been chosen for the agenda. See you there!

  • 4Developers 2023

    4Developers 2023

    This year, on 4Developers 2023 – the largest Developer conference in Poland – I have been honored to give a presentation on PHP track about data structures and Developer Experience. You can find here all slides and code examples from my talk, as well as a small gallery from the event.

  • Talk at 4Developers 2023

    Talk at 4Developers 2023

    Next week, 18.04.2023, I’ll be speaking at the largest Polish 🇵🇱 Developer conference – 4Developers 2023 in Warsaw. The topic of my presentation is: “Tablice zostawmy mojżeszowi – czyli o strukturach danych w PHPie” which for my non-polish speaking audience translates into “Let’s leave the arrays to Moses – Data structures in PHP”

  • SyliusCon 2022

    SyliusCon 2022

    This year at SyliusCon 2022 I have been honored to give a presentation on Technical track. The topic I elaborated was “Sylius as an Infrastructure” which was focused on putting Sylius in your architecture and system design.

  • PHPers Summit 2022

    PHPers Summit 2022

    This year I was selected to speak on the largest PHP conference in Poland – PHPers Summit! The event was a blast, many interesting conversations, discussions and presentations made this event a wonderful place to celebrate PHP community in Poland.